Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Superherio

Yep, I put an "i" in superheroes. Why? That's what my kids call superheroes...SUPERHERIOES(just like cheerios) I love it. Here is my youngest Easton wearing a Batman mask and cape thanks to his blanket. This is what he looks like at some point every single day.

Both of my boys LOVE any superhero right now. They have a few masks that keep getting lost in toy boxes or under the bed. That makes for a sad superhero. What to do? Well, I must be rubbing off on my husband, because one day he came up with this cute superhero mask rack to hang in their room. Do you know how proud I am of my husband?! Here is what he came up with ...He sanded down an old sign we had hanging up that just didn't match our decor anymore, spray painted it then added some old eye hooks! How creative is he!?

It works awesome and we never have missing superherio masks anymore!


  1. oooh that is awesome. Your hubby is so creative!

  2. This is so cute! I love your comic book superhero BAM and ZAP! Easton is so adorable and yeah hubby, that is such a great moment! I am still waiting for mine to do something like that but he is a but stubborn. :)
    Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Great idea! I like that you can see the masks on the hooks...that lets them be part of the room decor. I so miss the super hero mask days. Now mine thinks he is too cool and calls himself a "pre teen" - he is 11.
